A one day auction of Toys, Antiques, Books and Ephemera was held this week with sales totalling £65,500 (including premiums). Toys and models in general continued to attract strong interest from bidders. However it was in the Books and Ephemera section where many of the highlights of the auction were to be found. The highest hammer price of the sale was £3600 for a first edition of "Grapefruit" by Yoko Ono signed by both Yoko Ono and John Lennon. A first published edition of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" hammered down at £2900. Amongst the ever popular comics, the highlight was an Amazing Spider Man comic #14, with the iconic "Green Goblin" cover, which sold for £1700 (pictured below). The were a few more surprises towards the end of the auction with the sale of a rare Leitz Elmarit camera lens for £2000 and a fine Henry Crouch brass microscope which made £1350.

Our next Toys, Books, Ephemera & Antiques auction is scheduled for 6-7 December and we are open for consignments until 28th October.