How to get your items valued

Email us
Click here to email us. Send a brief description and if possible include a few high quality images of your items. This will help us to evaluate whether it’s something that can be directly assessed via email, or whether it’s in your interest to arrange an appointment with us.

Home Visits
If you have an extensive collection, too many large items to carry or are looking to organise a house clearance, then a home visit can be an option.
Please contact us if you would like to discuss this further.

Visit us
If you are within easy reach of our business premises situated on the outskirts of Ipswich in Suffolk, please don’t hesitate to call us to arrange an appointment with one of our specialists. Upon arrival you will be greeted be a member of staff and offered refreshment whilst you wait to be attended. Click here to see our location.

Valuation Days
We conduct numerous valuation day events across the country almost every week of the year. Our roadshow team travels to designated venues where you can simply turn up on the day, for a ‘no obligation’ valuation. To check if we’re going to be visiting an area close to you, see our valuation days listings.